Dan Saylor
District 1
Dan believes County Government can benefit from good business practices and leadership that he has learned over the last 30+ years in the private sector. Dan is a conservative and a lifelong republican. Dans conservative values and common-sense approach has guided him over the last seven and a half years as County Commissioner. Dan is currently serving on the Warrick County Board of Commissioners, serves as Vice President of the Warrick County Drainage Board, serves on the Warrick County Economic Development Board, serves as secretary of the Solid Waste and Recycle Center Board, serves on the Economic Development Coalition of Southwest Indiana Board, serves on the Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization Board. Dan’s past service has served as the President of - Ohio Township Advisory Board, President of- Warrick County Sheriff Merit Board and Vice President of the Warrick County Parks Department Board. Dan has also served our county as a Reserve Deputy for the Warrick County Sherriff's Office for over the past 20+ years. Dan made a career as a photographer and businessman. He ran a successful photography/publication company that took thousands of students’ photos. Dan has also done new home construction and remodeling business. Dan is a family man, proud husband to wife Leslee for over 35 years, father of 3 wonderful kids and very proud grandfather of three little girls. Dan has lived in Warrick County for over 34 years. Dan is committed to serving and representing ALL citizens of Warrick County. Dan would appreciate your vote in May.
Thank you for your support.