Mike Wilder
Warrick County
Warrick County Sheriff Michael Wilder is seeking a second term. Wilder said he has enjoyed serving the community as sheriff and is eager to continue the work the department has undertaken over the past four years.
“The most important thing I learned during my first term is the outpouring of support we have from our community,” said Wilder. “This support and the evolving challenges in today’s world make me want to persevere and continue to serve our community.”
When Wilder initially sought the office, he pledged to ensure the sheriff’s office would work to keep Warrick County a safe and desirable place to live and raise a family and to treat every citizen fairly and impartially. Fiscal responsibility is also very important to Wilder who promised to create and maintain a budget that controls spending yet provides effective and high quality services.
Wilder has worked to enhance safety by increasing staff. In January, eight additional deputies came on board, which, after their training this fall, will increase the number of deputies per shift by two.
Maintaining state-of-the-art technology and equipment is a priority for Wilder as well. The department recently upgraded to all new Axon Body Cameras and tasers. In addition, the department has purchased three message boards that can be used during emergencies, at testing sites or to disseminate educational information in a timely manner as situations develop and evolve.
“I have enjoyed this new position as leader of the department,” said Wilder. “I look forward to serving another four years as sheriff of Warrick County and appreciate your support.”
Wilder has spent 25 years working in the Warrick County Sheriff’s Department, beginning in 1996. He has served in many positions, including patrol, field training officer, detective and chief deputy. Wilder graduated from the University of Evansville with a degree in sociology and a specialization in criminal justice.
Wilder lives in Boonville with his wife, Angela. They have two children.