Patricia Pat (McIntyre) Brooks
Warrick County
Pat earned a BS from USI graduating cum laude with a minor in Business Administration. She has served on several appointed boards as well as community service organizations, and is active in her church. Pat previously served as Recorder and brings a wealth of knowledge from her education as well as practical work experience. As Recorder she reduced the operating budget, completed shielding/redactions of computer-stored social security numbers, and made available online accessibility to land records. Pat updated servers and software as well as implemented the first E-recording system to expedite the recording of documents. These costs were paid by user fees, not property taxes. “A top priority of mine was to help prevent mortgage/deed fraud and potential identity theft by making available Property Fraud Alert at no cost to property owners. As always, I will operate a cost-efficient, customer friendly office.” Pat's late husband was Don Brooks. They have two grown children, Rebecca and Brent, who live in Newburgh, and 5 wonderful (of course) grandchildren.