Robert Johnson

Robert Johnson


District 3

Bob Johnson has lived in Warrick County for over 14 years. He and his wife, Darlene, have two sons and 3 grandchildren.

He graduated from Bedford North Lawrence High School and has a BASEET degree. Bob served 10 years in the US Army and a career of 30 years in manufacturing and executive management positions.

Bob has strong family values, is pro-life and believes in 2nd amendment rights. He is a member of the Avoca Baptist Church, NRA, Owen Township Committeeman and Republican state delegate.

He is a proven leader who works hard for the citizens of Warrick County. We have seen vast improvement to our roads, a much needed courthouse renovation. Friedman Park is complete with a new event center for our citizens to use. The wellness trails is expanding. We continue to encourage new businesses to our county. We are growing.

Bob has served as the Warrick County Commissioner District 3 since Jan 2016. He serves as President of the Drainage and Storm Water Boards and is a member of the APC board.