Stacey Franz

Stacey Franz

County Commissioner

District 3

I believe it’s time for a fresh approach and an optimistic outlook for Warrick County. I will bring integrity, accountability, real transparency and fiscal responsibility back to the Commissioners’ office.

Warrick County is full of potential and opportunity! As your Commissioner, I will seek and find ways to make Warrick County the best that it can be. Like you, I want more for our families and community. Together, I know we can make our dreams a reality. Let’s work in partnership to move forward into a better tomorrow and make Warrick County a place we can all be proud to call home.

I am a woman of faith, Pro-Life, Pro-2nd Amendment, Pro-Law Enforcement, Pro-Constitution, Conservative candidate. Thirty years ago I married my husband, Aaron and we have lived and raised our four children in Warrick County. I would greatly appreciate your vote to serve as your next Warrick County Commissioner.