Terry Phillippe
District 2
Commissioner Terry is a conservative, lifelong Republican who believes that Warrick County can benefit economically by implementing comprehensive plans and following through on them. We can continue to offer a great quality of life by working with all of the communities in our county, and in solidifying a safe environment by engaging all public safety organizations. Terry and has lived in Warrick County for 22 years and has been in the private business sector as a trusted communications advisor for just as long. In his line of business, he has developed a working knowledge of County and City government. Terry is also the President of Boonville Now, a community development corporation that has partnered with Warrick County in the Blight Elimination program that secured $1.6 million in funding to eliminate blighted properties in Warrick County. He also spearheaded housing development now under way in Boonville, which will bring $8 to $10 million in residential construction to the city. A trip around the Historic Square in Boonville showcases some accomplishments of Boonville Now, including Johnson Park, Harold Gunn Pavilion and the impressive new Veterans’ Memorial. Terry gets things done. He looks forward to helping other communities in Warrick County leverage Federal and State programs that can do the same for them. His leadership skills have proven that success in not just in the planning but also in the execution of those plans.